Our facade systems are used to fabricate glass facades of buildings such as banks, hotels, administration offices, office buildings, car showrooms, gyms, etc. They are also used for multiple spatial structures and roof glazing that light the interior and create a suitable atmosphere and comfort to its users. They are an excellent tool for shaping contemporary architecture and implementing designers’ bold visions. The most popular among these products are the mullion-transom systems. ALUPROF’s facade solutions include also a range of products of various design and appearance, including a bunch of individual solutions.

An important place in our facade systems is occupied by the mullion-transom wall MB-SR50N. It has enhanced thermal insulation variants: MB-SR50N HI and MB-SR50N HI+, as well as variants for fabricating constructions of different appearances: vertical or horizontal line or “semi-structural” facade MB-SR50N EFEKT. When it comes to openable elements, the MB-SR50N is the basis for constructions such as tilt-and-pull windows MB-SR50N OW, facade-integrated windows MB-SR50N IW, and, very aesthetic and functional roof windows MB-SR50N RW. The MB-SR50N mullion-transom system is also a basis for fire resisting façades MB-SR50N EI and glazed roofs. The MB-SR50N-based roof constructions and facades can optionally be fabricated in a fire-resistant variant.